Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to Raptor Rapture Online Course

    2. Identifying Vultures, Hawks, and Falcons - Meet the Director

    3. Identifying Vultures, Hawks, and Falcons - Part One

    4. Part Two: Buteos to Caracaras

    5. Identifying Vultures, Falcons and Hawks- Quiz

    6. identification_reading_list

    7. raptor_identification_fairbairn

    1. Learning to Look at Raptors- Richard Crossley

    2. Learning to Look at Raptors

    3. Learning to Look at Raptors

    4. Learning to Look at Raptors- Quiz

    5. learning_to_look_at_raptors_reading_list

    1. Birds of Prey: Hawk Watching Tips and Stories- Meet the Instructor

    2. Birds of Prey: Hawk Watching Tips and Stories

    3. Birds of Prey: Hawk Watching Tips and Stories- Quiz

    4. hawk-watching_tips_and_stories_reading_list

    1. Raptors: The Diurnal Birds of Prey - Meet the Director

    2. Raptors: The Diurnal Birds of Prey

    3. Raptors: The Diurnal Birds of Prey- Quiz

    4. diurnal_birds_of_prey_reading_list

    1. Owls - Souls of the Night

    2. Owls: Souls of the Night- Meet the Director

    3. Owls: Souls of the Night

    4. soul_of_the_night_reading_list

    5. Owls: Soul of the Night- Quiz

    1. Searching for Saw-whets- Scott Weidensaul

    2. Searching for Saw-whets

    3. Searching for Saw-whets- Quiz

    4. searching_for_saw-whets_reading_list

About this course

  • $125.00
  • 47 lessons
  • 9 hours of video content

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